Sunday 1 February 2015


Desire for power is inherent in man. The love of power comes from the consciousness of man’s mental and moral superiority over other created things. It is instinctive therefore, that man as superior being must control and dominate others. Again the awareness that all men are created unequal gives birth to the desire to rule and dominate others. The history of the world

so far as man is concerned, is a history of the struggle for power. Thus from the primitive wars of tribes and clans to the ruinous wars of today, there is only one idea behind these wars and that is the thirst for power.
Broadly speaking, power is of two kinds physical and mental. Physical power is of the lower order as compared to the power of the mind. Primitive men mainly understood one kind of power and that was of the body. In the past the strength of the arms decided things and might alone was right. However, with the growth of civilisation and the development of human mind, the mental power came to be recognised as of a superior order. Mental power has its origin in knowledge.
All the great discoveries and inventions on which modern life is based are but the manifestations of the power of knowledge. The conquest of the forces of nature like water and electricity and harnessing of these forces of man’s use, have been made possible by the knowledge of physics. It is the knowledge of mechanics which has lessened distance, broken down the barriers between men and enabled men to realise the affinity of men all over the world. The epoch making discovery of atomic energy has revolutionised the entire concept of future life of man on the earth.
In fact, the development of art, science, culture and civilisation, ultimately depends upon knowledge. Nature has yielded her mysteries to this power. It has made physical power and mental strength to one and the same. But knowledge has not only given man mental strength, it has taught him how to utilise his physical strength in a better, surer and more and more disciplined and economic way.
Great ideas make great men and there is no trait more constant inhuman nature than his habit of pursuing a truth beyond its province. Hence balance is the cardinal virtue of good sent. Great as is the power of knowledge, the tendency to misuse is greater. Knowledge is inclined to fill us with pride and thus take its real blessings. The need is to translate knowledge into wisdom, for knowledge is proud and wisdom is humble.



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